Monday, October 25, 2010

more precious faces

We are off to court this morning but I wanted to share a few pictures before we head off.  Love you all!!!


  1. Koehler family,
    These pictures are beyond precious!! That is one happy, adorable, precious little boy you have added to your already beautiful family. Blessings to you as you head to court. We are holding you up in prayer!
    Love you,
    Auntie Jane

  2. Heather- he is stunningly beautiful... I can see God so clearly. Love you sister, Bar

  3. Jace wanted to see more pictures of his "Heather" last night, so as we were looking through them he saw his Fayfee "Faith". We talk about Joshua everyday and I know Jace will know his new friend when he arrives :) We are praying for your safe return.
